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Analytics BusinessQ For Clover Dashboard

New Dashboard in Analytics BusinessQ app


What is Analytics Dashboard for Clover merchants?


The new Dashboard for Clover Merchants provides a very simple and visual view of the most important metrics for each business. Moreover, in the Dashboard, you can compare payment data received today with payments from the same day last week. Likewise, the closest date that falls on the same day last year is compared as well.

The dashboard will be published with other changes on 6th April 2020.

This should give you a very good sense of direction your business is going to.

Some metrics that you can compare in the Dashboard are Gross payment amount, Refund amount, Credit amount, Service charge or No of orders.


How to access the Dashboard?

Analytics Dashboard is available to all users regardless of the plan/tier. The dashboard page is accessed from the main menu, right under the Welcome page.


Why should I use this Dashboard?

You should use the new dashboard because it will present you with a very good sense of direction your business is going to.

The full list of metrics that you can compare in the Dashboard is:

  • Gross payment amount
  • Refund amount
  • Credit amount
  • Service charge
  • Tax amount
  • Net payment
  • No. Of payments
  • No. Of orders
  • Avg net per order
Analytics BusinessQ for Clover Dashboard

How to compare data, for example, for Gross Payment Amount on one example:

Looking into data, we can see that today’s gross payment was 1,014.74 €. Same day last week (2020-03-21), gross payment was 1,939.99 €. That means that today’s gross payment compared to last week’s payment went down for 47,69%. Furthermore, looking into data from last year (2019-03-28), we see that today’s gross payment is 32,5% smaller from last year.

In the same way, all other available metrics are compared.

If you would like to know more about the report and its prerequisites, please check the FAQ page.

As always, we want to hear any suggestions you may have. After all, we are building this app for you.

We hope that you are as excited about the new changes as we are.

Have any new ideas or suggestions? Write to us!

Happy Analyzing!

Your Analytics | BusinessQ App Team

Qualia Data Sciences LTD

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