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BusinessQ Bar Chart Nominal Comparison

Bar chart : Definition and Examples | BusinessQ


A bar graph (or bar chart)  is a chart that uses bars to show comparisons between categories of data. The bars can be either horizontal or vertical, so in BusinessQ we have both horizontal and vertical graph components.

You can see bar chart live demo in BusinessQ HERE .

Bar graph can have one category axis and up to two numerical axes. Category axis describes the types of categories being compared, and the numerical axes represent the values of the data.

Bar graph can be used to represent: Ranking, Nominal Comparisons, Part-to-whole, Deviation, or Distribution.


Nominal Comparison in BusinessQ:


BusinessQ bar chart nominal comparison


Ranking in BusinessQ:


BusinessQ bar chart ranking


Nominal Comparison with 2 numerical axes in BusinessQ:


BusinessQ bar chart nominal comparison 2 numerical axes




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