Whether the type of business you are in, customers are your backbone. Without customers, no…
Averages Report in Analytics | BusinessQ app
Item/Order Averages Report gives you an excellent insight about average revenue or average number of sold items per day of a week, or per hour in a day. This report is designed to help managers and business owners when deciding about little everyday things. When to bake next batch of brownies? When you can expect highest sale numbers? On Friday or Saturday, in the morning or at 5 PM?

Knowing your numbers and averages makes you prepared for your customers. With this report, you won’t be piling your stock, you will be prepared for customers’ demands and not losing them over “Sorry, we sold everything for today!”.
You can read more about Averages reports on Analytics app site. We would be even happier if you give it a look in your Analytics | BusinessQ app and ask us everything you want to know!
The report is available from the ADVANCED app Tier.
Happy Analyzing,
Your Analytics | BusinessQ app team